MED 7996 Practicum for Gifted and Talented Learners

Candidates will engage in direct teaching experiences with individuals with gifts and talents and work collaboratively with others to be able to analyze and reflect on effective teaching practices appropriate for learners with gifts and talents. The experience will enable the candidate to demonstrate his/her knowledge and skills related to applying all of the NAGC-CEC standards. The Practicum requires candidates to complete and document 200 hours of supervised fieldwork in an approved setting.




class='sc-courselink' href='/en/2023-2024/graduate-catalog/courses/med-education/6000/med-6102'>MED 6102, class='sc-courselink' href='/en/2023-2024/graduate-catalog/courses/med-education/7000/med-7802'>MED 7802, class='sc-courselink' href='/en/2023-2024/graduate-catalog/courses/med-education/7000/med-7804'>MED 7804, and ( class='sc-courselink' href='/en/2023-2024/graduate-catalog/courses/med-education/7000/med-7807'>MED 7807 or MED 7803).