Management, Master of Science in Management


To be considered for admission to the Master of Science [M.S.] in Management program, applicants must satisfactorily submit and/or complete the following requirements:

  1. Submit a graduate application for admission accompanied by a non-refundable application fee.
  2. Submit the official transcript(s) from an accredited college, university, or other degree granting institution, within two terms of admission, verifying completion of a baccalaureate (bachelor’s) degree.
  3. Meet with a program Chair or advisor for a Program Planning Conference [PPC] to discuss program expectations and requirements. The official transcript(s) should be on file with Wilmington University prior to the PPC; however, students may present an unofficial transcript(s) to a program Chair or advisor for the PPC.

All required application and admission documents should be sent to the Wilmington University Graduate Admissions office or email

Applicants whose native language is not English or who have graduated from an institution where English is not the language of instruction should contact International Admissions or go to the University's website for admission requirements.

Program Purpose

The purpose of the M.S. in Management program is to provide the management practitioner with scholastic depth and contemporary management and leadership skills to meet the challenges of today’s global organizations. By focusing on the role of the manager at the micro and macro levels, and embracing the manager-as-leader paradigm, the program focuses on the reality and challenging nature of contemporary organizational systems that require change and innovation for organizations to remain competitive in a global environment.

Program Competencies

In addition to the University’s graduate school competencies; students will have an advanced level of applicable knowledge in the following areas as appropriate to one’s field of study:

1.  The student will improve upon, or develop, communication skills to be highly effective;

2.  The student will integrate theory and practice in solving complex problems;

3.  The student will demonstrate knowledge of business concepts and functions in an integrated manner, and;

4.  The student will improve upon or prescribe ethical decision-making to problems and solutions.

Program Design

The M.S. in Management program incorporates a methodology that provides students with a deep appreciation of the skills and knowledge required for decision-making and problem solving. Streams of emphasis include today’s contemporary organization, strategy, global realities of diversity and culture, management for innovation and change, creativity, leadership, technology, the global market, and the management of teams. The program is designed for individuals who are seeking to make a strong contribution to their organization, profession, and global society while advancing and promoting their careers. The program is organized through a series of accelerated 7-week courses that are offered online and at locations in Delaware.

Program Requirements

The M.S. in Management program is based upon students working in a wide range of organizations; students must be adept at understanding the relation of the manager to the organization in order to gain mastery. The program consists of 10 three-credit hour courses, which include five program core courses: MGT 6400 Global Leadership, MGT 7300 Business Finance, MGT 7750 Strategy and Decision-Making, MIS 7000 IT in Business, and MGT 8000 MSM Business Simulation. Courses provide an in-depth exposure to core management areas that are applicable to a wide range of situations and organizations. Throughout the M.S. in Management program, students may have the opportunity to complete elective coursework at the graduate level to complement program core requirements.  Unless otherwise indicated these course codes (courses) include: MBA (except 5850/5900/6000), MCM, MGT, MHR, MHS, MOL, MPA, MSP, NPM, HCA, and IST (IST 7000 level courses only).  Students should consult with a program Chair or advisor when selecting program electives.

As an alternative to the standard M.S. in Management program, students may select a program with one of the following concentrations:

Health Care Administration

Human Resource Management


Organizational Leadership

M.S. in Management students must satisfy all degree and course requirements as outlined in the catalog in effect at the time of initial enrollment at Wilmington University, as well as achieve an overall cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 in all graduate studies with Wilmington University.


It is highly recommended that students complete MGT 6400 as their first course in the M.S. in Management program.  Prior to registering for a second course in the program students should:

  1. Submit the official transcript(s) from an accredited college, university, or other degree-granting institution, verifying completion of a baccalaureate (bachelor’s) degree.
  2. Meet with a program Chair or advisor for a PPC to discuss program expectations and requirements. The official transcript(s) should be on file with Wilmington University prior to the PPC; however, students may present the unofficial transcript(s) to a program Chair or advisor, for the PPC.

Master of Science in Management Program

The M.S. in Management program is based upon the belief that students must understand the importance of management and leadership skills in various types of organizations within a global environment.


MGT 6400Global Leadership


MGT 7300Business Finance


MGT 7750Strategy and Decision-Making


MIS 7000IT in Business


MGT 8000MSM Business Simulation


MGT 7395Management Development


MGT 7504Ethical Issues in Management


MGT 7507Strategic Management


MGT 7508Change Management


MGT 7667Diversity in the Workplace


M.S. in Management Core 15 credits

Total of core and concentration courses is 10 courses or 30 credits.

As an alternative to the M.S. in Management program shown above, students may select a program with one or more of the concentrations shown below:

M.S. in Management with a Concentration in Health Care Administration

In combination with program core coursework, the M.S. in Management with a concentration in Health Care Administration includes courses centric to the ever-changing environment of health care.  Students will demonstrate knowledge of a variety of health care issues including health policy, insurance, demand for services, and legal and ethical issues in today's global environment.


MGT 6400Global Leadership


MGT 7300Business Finance


MGT 7750Strategy and Decision-Making


MIS 7000IT in Business


MGT 8000MSM Business Simulation


HCA 7700Seminar in Health Care Administration


HCA 7720Health Policy and Economics


HCA 7730Health Insurance and Reimbursement


HCA 7740Legal Aspects in Health Care


HCA 7745Marketing in the Health Care Sector


M.S. in Management Core 15 credits

Total of core and concentration courses is 10 courses or 30 credits.

M.S. in Management with a Concentration in Human Resource Management

In combination with program core coursework, the M.S. in Management with a concentration in Human Resource Management includes courses centric to equipping individuals with the essential competencies necessary to lead and develop the human capital of organizations, which is necessary for business executives now and into the future.  This program is ideal for human resource professionals seeking to diversify their portfolio of competencies to advance their career, profession, and organizations.


MGT 6400Global Leadership


MGT 7300Business Finance


MGT 7750Strategy and Decision-Making


MIS 7000IT in Business


MGT 8000MSM Business Simulation


MHR 6503Law, Regulation and the Workplace


MHR 7600International HR


MHR 7650Compensation and Benefits


MHR 7800Seminar in Human Resource Management


MHR Elective


M.S. in Management Core 15 credits

Total of core and concentration courses is 10 courses or 30 credits.

M.S. in Management with a Concentration in Marketing

In combination with program core coursework, the M.S. in Management with a concentration in Marketing includes courses centric to providing students with critical knowledge surrounding management issues affecting marketing in both the domestic and global environments.  Students will also work to formulate business strategies, including addressing sales goals, marketing goals, and customer service needs.


MGT 6400Global Leadership


MGT 7300Business Finance


MGT 7750Strategy and Decision-Making


MIS 7000IT in Business


MGT 8000MSM Business Simulation


Choose one of the following three courses:

MBA 7604New Business Ventures


MBA 7606Business to Business and Business to Government Marketing


MBA 7610Salesmanship and Sales Force Management


In addition to the core, students must complete the following courses:

MBA 7600Global Marketing Management


MBA 7603Market Research and Consumer Behavior


MBA 7608Integrated Marketing Communications


MBA 7615Marketing Analytics


M.S. in Management Core 15 credits

Total of core and concentration courses is 10 courses or 30 credits.

M.S. in Management with a Concentration in Organizational Leadership

In combination with program core coursework, the M.S. in Management with a concentration in Organizational Leadership includes courses centric to providing students with the opportunity to research, assess, and understand key aspects, issues, and dynamics related to innovative leadership practices.  This program is designed to address the importance for today's leaders to develop/improve skills and capabilities to both manage and lead organizations in a diverse and multi-cultural environment.  Key areas of focus include decision-making strategies, team facilitation, interpersonal relations, as well as change and crisis management.


MGT 6400Global Leadership


MGT 7300Business Finance


MGT 7750Strategy and Decision-Making


MIS 7000IT in Business


MGT 8000MSM Business Simulation


MOL 6700Innovation & Crisis Leadership


MOL 6800Global Performance Management


MOL 6900Communication & Teams


MOL 6950Current Topics in Leadership


Choose one of the following three courses:

MHR 6503Law, Regulation and the Workplace


MOL 6600Legal and Ethical Aspects of Organizations


MPA 6503Administrative Law


M.S. in Management Core 15 credits

Total of core and concentration courses is 10 courses or 30 credits.