Special Education, Instruction (traditional route)

Master of Education

This degree program is for already licensed/certified teachers and may contribute to eligibility for Delaware certification depending on the Special Education category selected, as long as the candidate meets all other Delaware Department of Education licensure and certification requirements. This program has also been reviewed and approved for operation and licensure/certification in the state of New Jersey.   Wilmington University has not made determinations for licensure in states outside of Delaware and New Jersey. For state-by-state contact information for inquiring about individual state licensure requirements, please visit NC-SARA's Professional Licensure Directory.

Admission Requirements

Please refer to “The Graduate Admissions Process” section for general graduate admission information.

Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education: Instruction degree program requires the following:

  1. Submit a completed Wilmington University Graduate application
  2. Submit an official transcript or transcripts verifying completion of a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Admission to this degree program requires a grade point average (GPA) or 3.0 or higher for the most recent two years of post-secondary education.
  3. Submit a valid and active US teaching license
  4. Submit a current résumé including number of years' teaching experience
  5. International students must provide results from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) that meet the current minimum score requirements.**
  6. Complete a program planning conference with Graduate Advisor or Program Chair

After completing all of the above requirements, register for MED 6102 (E-Folio) along with other appropriate courses.

Program Purpose

Program Purpose

The Wilmington University's Master of Education Special Education: Instruction provides candidates interested in acquiring research-based skills, knowledge and practices in teaching students with disabilities. Students will identify two of the three following concentrations:  K-12 Teacher of Students with Disabilities and/or Autism & Severe Intellectual Disabilities and/or Early Childhood/Exceptional Children. Candidates gain knowledge in practices related to instructional approaches, materials, and an integrated, comprehensive, balanced curriculum to support student learning in reading and writing; assessment strategies and practices to evaluate effective reading and writing instruction; awareness, understanding, respect, and a valuing of differences in our society; literate environments that foster reading and writing; and leadership and professional development opportunities.

Program Competencies

The program competencies adopted for the Master of Education in Special Education:  Instruction: degree program are based on standards developed by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Standards, the Model Standards for Teacher Licensing, Assessment, and Development from The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC 2011), Council of Chief State School Officers. 

Program Competency Standard 1. Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences

The special education professionals understand how exceptionalities may interact with development and learning and use this knowledge to provide meaningful and challenging learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities.

Program Competency Standard 2. Learning Environments

The special education professionals create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments so that individuals with exceptionalities become active and effective learners and develop emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination.

Program Competency Standard 3. Curricular Content Knowledge

The special education professionals use knowledge of general and specialized curricula to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities. 

Program Competency Standard 4. Assessment

The special education professionals use multiple methods of assessment and data-sources in making educational decisions.

Program Competency Standard 5. Instructional Planning and Strategies

The special education professionals select, adapt, and use a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies to advance learning of individuals with exceptionalities.

Program Competency Standard 6. Professional Learning and Practice

The special education professionals use foundational knowledge of the field and their professional Ethical Principles and Practice Standards to inform special education practice, to engage in lifelong learning, and to advance the profession.

Program Competency Standard 7. Collaboration

The special education professionals collaborate with families, other educators, related service pro

Outcomes Assessment

Multiple assessments are used to determine candidate growth toward achievement of the knowledge and skills described in the Master of Education Special Education: Instruction degree program competencies and the college-wide graduation competencies. Performance-based assessments are used to evaluate projects, assignments, and research papers. Goals, learning outcomes and activities, external assignments, and assessment strategies are linked directly to program and graduation competencies as stated on each course syllabus. Other assessment strategies may include coaching/mentoring sessions and observations of candidate performance in authentic settings.

Program Design

This 30-credit program consists of 15 credit hours of coursework from two separate concentrations of Special Education areas focused on teaching and learning. An effort is made to provide candidates with choices of course formats (traditional, hybrid or online) although this cannot be guaranteed. There is a non-credit E-Folio course requirement.



Concentration Requirements

Concentrations (30 credits-Select Two from the Following:)

Special Education Early Childhood Exceptional Children Concentration Requirements (15 credits)

MED 6102E-Folio


MSE 7502Educating Preschoolers with Special Needs


MSE 7603Assessment of Young Children


MSE 7605Differentiation of Instruction for Young Children


MSE 7607Emergent Literacy for Young Children


MSE 7407Teaming/Collaboration with Families & Communities


Special Education Teacher of Students with Disabilities Concentration Requirements (15 credits)

MED 6102E-Folio


MSE 7403Diagnosis/Assessment/IEP Development for Exceptionalities


MSE 7405Curriculum in Special Education


MSE 7402Applied Behavior Analysis


MSE 7901Diagnosis/Assessment of Reading Difficulties for Non-Reading/Literacy Majors


MSE 8102Legislation and Implementation of Policy and Procedure


Special Education Autism & Severe Intellectual Disabilities Concentration Requirements (15 credits)

MED 6102E-Folio


MSE 7501Introduction to Autism & Severe Disabilities


MSE 7402Applied Behavior Analysis


MSE 7506Functional Communication for Individuals with Autism and Severe Intellectual Disabilities


MSE 7409Methods of Instruction in Academic Standards and Functional Skills


MSE 7507Competency-Based Practicum in Behaviorally-Based Teaching Techniques



If a candidate chooses both the TOSD and Autism certificates, an elective must be chosen to replace the duplicate MSE 7402.

MSE 7100Foundations of Special Education: Historical, Legal, and Theoretical Perspectives


MSE 7404Assistive Technology


MSE 7406Transition Planning & IEP Implementation for Students with Disabilities


MSE 7407Teaming/Collaboration with Families & Communities


Qualification for Degree

To qualify for the Master of Education Special Education: Instruction degree, a candidate must successfully complete a minimum of 30 credit hours with a GPA of at least 3.0. The program must be completed within five years.