FIN 399 Bad Finance: Greed & Fear

George Santayana said, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.  Financial history, especially in the area of financial speculation, is littered with semi-tragic stories of financial disasters.  While knowledge of these stories are valuable in themselves, the purpose of this course is, with the use of a financial model, to illuminate the common threads that can serve as valuable signposts for those informed enough to see the next potential crisis coming.  In other words, the course, from a financial perspective, hopes to answer the question: have we learned anything from history?




class='sc-courselink' href='/en/current/undergraduate-catalog/courses/eco-economics/100/eco-101'>ECO 101 or class='sc-courselink' href='/en/current/undergraduate-catalog/courses/eco-economics/100/eco-105'>ECO 105, FIN 300 or FIN305