School of Law Attendance Requirements

School of Law Attendance Requirements

Class attendance is required in all courses, as is mandated by our accrediting authorities. Failure to maintain regular attendance may be grounds for exclusion from a course. A student who misses class in a single course more than twice the number of times per week that the course meets in a regular semester will be referred to the Associate Dean for Academics, who may impose the sanction of exclusion from the course. Regardless of the Associate Dean’s decision to impose such sanction, a faculty member retains the discretion, consistent with their individual policy, to factor attendance into a student’s grade. This rule includes all classes, both on-campus or online/virtual sessions. Faculty will record attendance in each class meeting.

Regular Semester Hours (Fall and Spring)

Summer Term

Credit Hours

Meetings Per Week

Meetings Per Week






2 absences

4 absences

2 absences


2 absences

4 absences

2 absences



4 absences

2 absences

  1. Conformity to standards of professional responsibility, civility, and respectful behavior and to any rules published by the instructor concerning student conduct in connection with the course is required in all courses. A student whose behavior in a course does not meet such standards or the published rules for the course may be excluded from the course.
  2. A faculty member assigning a grade in any course may factor into the student’s grade attendance, class preparation and participation, and conformity with published rules for the course
    1. by increasing or decreasing by one step what would otherwise be a student’s grade; or
    2. in a course in which the grade is not otherwise based entirely on an exam, by adjusting a student’s grade according to the professor’s individual published policy.
  3. To ensure compliance with this policy, a student who misses more than the number of weekly classes in a course will be referred to the Associate Dean for Academics for early alert intervention. A student who misses more than twice the number of weekly classes in a course will again be referred to the Associate Dean for Academics, who will determine the extent to which the student’s absences are for excusable reasons and decide whether the sanction of exclusion is appropriate. A student who is present for less than one-half of a class will be deemed to be absent from that class. A student whose non-attendance has been referred to the Associate Dean for Academics should notify the Associate Dean of any basis for excusable absences. Excusable reasons for an absence include but are not limited to illness, quarantine, injury, religious observances, client meetings or court appearances (for students participating in externship/clinic), job interviews, and taking the MPRE. Documentation may be required for verification of excusable absence.

Illness or Quarantine

Students who are ill or need to quarantine may not attend on-campus class sessions. Students who cannot attend an on-campus class session due to illness or need to isolate/quarantine are to 1) request and review the course recording (contact your professor), or 2) request and attend the class remotely.  Students should attend remotely whenever that alternative is feasible. Absences from class because of illness, quarantine, or self-isolation will be excused, and the student will be permitted to make up the work without academic penalty. Documentation may be required for repeated absences due to illness.

Time Conflict

Students may not enroll in courses where class schedules conflict and preclude the possibility of full attendance in all classes. Students engaged in clinics and externships must ensure that their regular clinic or externship schedule does not conflict with regularly scheduled classes.